Last year, the big thing online was about getting your videos on
YouTube or
Google Video but in my view, 2008 demands much more than creating a video or putting it up on video sharing sites.
Yep, 2008 is about spread! If you want to stand out from the crowd, you have to make your videos viral and if you want to learn more about how to do this, young Gavin over at has just written a great article on how to make your videos viral.
As Gavin points out, to be viral, your video has to be different - funny, unique, interesting and, I would add to this, inspiring. In other words, you have to engage your audience enough that they consider your video worthy of sharing with their friends via email, social networking or even on their own blog. After all as Gavin points out, "the term ‘viral’ comes from the same concept as a virus - it spreads! But, in this case the spreading is a good thing."
Basically, having a viral video is like word-of-mouth marketing
But, it's a few thousand times more powerful. Why? Well if you think how long it takes for someone to "tell" a friend about your product or service compared to them being able to click the mouse a few times and have your video watched by billions … I hope you're getting this! Viral video marketing is that powerful and technology is such today that it does not have to be intimidating.
In fact, I received my
Flip Video Camera today. And boy, has that thing been on a journey. It started off in America, then to Canada and from there to the UK. It's taken me almost 3 months to get it and yet, you want to know the hardest part of using it? Getting into the packaging!! Man, why do they have to seal these things up so much.
Anyway, once out of the packaging, my 6 year old daughter began recording with it and moments later we were watching her "final cut" on our TV screen. And, this was just because I was too lazy to fire up the laptop since with one flick, a USB connector arm extends so you can attach the video camera directly to the PC. Couldn't be easier.
Anyway, if you want to know step-by-step how to make your videos and podcasts viral and, you want to know which resources will help you get the job done with most efficiency, then I suggest you head on over to
Gavin's blog and read the article for yourself. In fact, I saw this article more as a special report than an article because of the approach used to ensure the reader isn't just informed about the fact that viral videos are "in," young Gavin, as I like to call him, even gives you tips on getting the most from using certain video sharing sites, how to market your video as well as resources to help you get started today.
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