Form The ‘Completion’ Habit
Sunday, January 20, 2008
“Get a good idea and stay with it, and work it until it’s done and done right”- Walt Disney
We may have a habit of leaving things incomplete whenever we are interrupted and going to the next issue. A normal day is a day full of interruptions. A perfectly uninterrupted day is not possible.
As you are working, you may be interrupted by telephone calls, visitors or any other type of interruptions. While you are doing a job and if you are interrupted in between, go back to the same job which was interrupted and do not pick up the next job unless you complete it.
It is likely that you will be asked to handle an equally important task in hand. Do it accepting it as a reality. However, after the interruption is over, go back to the interrupted task.
It is something like undertaking a travel. When your journey is interrupted due to traffic jam, or diversion, you accept it as a reality and take a deviation. You join the main road after the interruption is over. Keep this example in mind next time you are interrupted.
Remember what Edward Deming said: ‘Constancy of purpose and consistency of action’. The ability to bounce back after an interruption is a very critical skill for succeeding in life.
If you do not follow the above tip, it is likely that you may not find time to complete the interrupted task.
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