15 exceptional education sites

Boston University We start with Boston University’s website, which seems to be pretty traditional, but the more you poke your nose around, the more you realize......
  • Design Trend: Long Shadows
  • Using Flat Design in Web and Print Projects
  • 20 Dextrous Adobe Illustrator Logo Design Tutorials
  • Google+ wants to grow its celebrity circle; add verified accounts
  • Google to Launch Cloud-based Internet Music Service
  • We All Like the Facebook 'Like' Button
  • 15 exceptional education sites

    Boston University We start with Boston University’s website, which seems to be pretty traditional, but the more you poke your nose around, the more you realize......

    Design Trend: Long Shadows

    A new trend is making its way through cyberspace – long shadow design. The concept, which borrows themes from flat design, is popping up in a big way in recent weeks. The trend is impacting user interface elements and icons the strongest, but is starting to creep into other parts of website......

    15 exceptional education sites

    Boston University We start with Boston University’s website, which seems to be pretty traditional, but the more you poke your nose around, the more you realize......

    Using Flat Design in Web and Print Projects

    We’ve talked a lot here at webusabilityhelp about flat design – so you probably know what the trend is all about at this point. The short version: Flat design is a style that does not use tricks or embellishments such as shadows, embossing or gradients to make elements look “real.” The......

    15 exceptional education sites

    Boston University We start with Boston University’s website, which seems to be pretty traditional, but the more you poke your nose around, the more you realize......

    60 Beautiful Clean and Light Web Designs for Inspiration

    To be unique and original, you need to have a good source of inspiration. You can get inspiration from music, family and friends, even other people’s work, to get a great design idea. To help, we bring you this collection of light and clean websites, separated into different categories.Portfolio......

    Four Amazing Photosharing Alternatives to Facebook and Flickr

    It's been more than a century since photography knocked on our doors but it still remains a powerful to tool to convey emotions and feelings. It is one......

    How social media works…

    Now let’s take a look at each of the main types of social media, and how they work. These explanations are intentionally very general, because with social media every rule seems to have an exception.In fact, among the defining characteristics of social media are the blurring of definitions, rapid innovation,......

    Four Amazing Photosharing Alternatives to Facebook and Flickr

    It's been more than a century since photography knocked on our doors but it still remains a powerful to tool to convey emotions and feelings. It is one......

    8 Ways to Promote Your Work Through Internet Collaboration

    Promoting our products and services can be a time consuming and daunting task. A lot of us get tangled up in online self promotion without realising the value in collaboration more often with other people through the web. It can be a wise way to expand your network, pool resources and save time,......