April 2010 was the month when the Facebook 'Like' button made its first appearance. It was accompanied by a endearing, little thumbs-up sign which indicated users' appreciation of stuff posted on FB (and the internet). Within no time, it became a rage.
There were people whose happiness knew no bounds if someone liked what they posted on FB. Netizens really liked the “Like” button. Cut to the present times, the 'Like' button is all over the web. It is installed on thousands of websites on a daily basis.
Facebook first introduced the 'Like' button at its F8 developer's conference, along with Facebook Open Graph and instant personalization. It was immensely helpful for Facebook to expand its social base on the web. “50,000 Like buttons were installed in the first one week of its launch, and the number rose to 100, 000 in less than a month,” reports Mashable.

The ease with which the websites can integrate the FB Like button has made it a faiy-tale success. Facebook is celebrating its first birthday by asking the users what Like button means to them. On its official FB page, Facebook writes: “Happy 1st birthday, Like button! For a one-year old, the Like button sure has a lot of friends. More than 10,000 sites add the Like button every day. Tell us what the Like button has meant to you”. About 56,000 people liked the post within seven hours of it being posted and about 7000 comments poured in from the users. FB also posted a profile picture showing how the Like button looks like in 75 different languages.
About 10,000 websites add the Like button every day. Google, in an unimpressive attempt to take over the Like button, launched the +1 button recently. It is not expected to do any wonders. Studies have pointed that a Like on Facebook is more profitable than a tweet.
So what do you think of the Like button? Has it altered your life in any way? Do let us know and don't forget to like this article on FB. Happy Facebooking!
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